Paramiko is a python library that allows you to make SSH connections. Useful when you want to automate things as you can easily ssh into remote server from your local computer. The code down below will let you ssh to a remote server via Paramiko and then SCP files from that server to some other […]
How To’s
Passing Password to SCP with expect (single line)
scp is used to perform secure copy between different hosts. By default, scp doesn’t let you pass password as a parameter. For instance, for mysql, I can do something like: mysql -uusername -ppassword and login without having to give username and password input separately. That is very helpful while scripting or automating things because that’s […]
How To Detect Foreground Application in Android?
What do you do when you want to track whether a particular application has been launched on Android? METHOD 1: POLLING TASK LIST REGULARLY Unless the application that you want to monitor gives specific broadcast intents when it launches, the only way is to regularly poll the running task list and get the topmost activity […]
How To Make An Online Code Compiler?
An online code compiler emulates the terminal on the web allowing you to type terminal commands, your code etc. and compile them there and then as you’d normally do on your computer. Basically, there’s a terminal backend on the virtual machine/container that exposes the terminal on the web using one of the several libraries. Inherently, […]
For The Love of Fractals
I have been lurking around /r/FractalPorn so much that I finally decided to put my love for Fractals down on words. These structures are hauntingly beautiful and on this post, I want to share their beauty with you. Although not as technical as previous posts, it should be interesting nonetheless. A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex […]
I’m pursuing a Bachelors in Science, Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc. CSIT) in Nepal. About fourth semester in, I realized I could not just rely on what I was taught in the class. For one, I didn’t understand what the teachers said. They made things complex than it was absolutely necessary and obviously not […]
Breaking a simple text based CAPTCHA
It took me about a week of my Dashain vacation to make this simple captcha breaker (5 days to be exact). I had been reading Image Processing in my CS undergrad for some time then, and wanted to put my skills to use, although, I must admit, its not as overly complicated or full of image processing bits as […]
Handwritten Devanagari Digit Recognition using Neural Network
Neural Network was one of the electives available during my 5th semester, and knowing that it was available, I was certain that I wanted to study it over any other electives. But, unfortunately (or fortunately), my college, as it is with many other colleges of Nepal, made it a compulsion to take Cryptography as the […]
5 Things About Sequelize That Had Me Scratching My Head
The longer title of this article is 5 things about Sequelize that had me scratching my head when I was making an API using Node and Express. I had never used Sequelize before and had not done any programming on Node.js either. So, I ran into a few issues which took me a while to solve. I’m […]
Grab PacktPub Free Learning eBook Everyday Automatically
Packt Publishing have a lot of good premium books and everyday they put up a premium book for download for free. You could get a premium book a day by going to the Free Learning eBook page. I chose to automate the process and have the book grabbed automatically to my PacktPub account everyday. I […]
RSS Feed for Amazon Kindle Top 100 Free Best Sellers
SORRY THIS NO LONGER WORKS. REMOVED THEIR FREE PLAN AND I JUST COULDN’T PAY TO KEEP THIS RUNNING. Amazon has a listing of the best sellers in the Kindle Store, and the listing is divided into two types: Paid and Free. Meaning, there’s a list of top 100 best selling kindle books that are […]
How To Batch Crop & Straighten Scanned Photos?
I spent the last two days scanning photos from my family albums (about 900 photos). Scanning each photos individually will take lots of time, however not any further processing is needed. When you scan multiple images at once, you need to crop and straighten each photo from a single page you scanned. With the scanner […]